Mini Boots Haul ● 12 Days Of #Trendmas

Hello Loves! It's day 2 of 12 days of Trendmas. Please forgive me that I'm few hours behind, I'm trying to switch my sleeping schedule as I'll have a night shift tomorrow at work. Gotta love Christmas sales huh?

So this mini Boots haul is almost month and a half old. Oops... I kept forgetting to blog about it (actually I planned to film a video but my housemate was always around when I tried to do it). I bought these eyeshadows on different trips as I kept buying my makeup and skincare necessities and there was a promotion buy 3 for 2. You can expect to see in-depth review really soon! Quick opinions though would be not THAT amazed by Collection Eyes Uncovered palette, suuuuuper impressed by Smashbox mini palette and disappointed with Natural Collection single eyeshadows.

I bought few more things but I plan on reviewing them as well so I don't want to spoil everything! Have you tried any of these eyeshadows and if so, what's your opinion about them? Loved to know!


  1. The Smashbox Palette is gorgeous - i've been looking for a little palette of neutral shades that I can keep in my bag for a while :)

    Caz | thisiscaz

    1. It's amazing for carrying it around because it's super tiny! I bought it in a set for 12 pounds! ;)


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